PD Ref: 121068
Age: 2008Max.Size: 105 x 75 cm (41 x 29 inch) Colors: 6Impress.Count:445 mio
KBA RA 105-6 L6-color Year: 2008Size: 36x520 - 72x105 cm Max. Speed: 16.000 SPM Material: from 60 - 450 g / m2, up to 1.2 mm445 mio impsSAPC Autoplate ACR Logotronic Basic (CIP3)Densitronic SColorTronicErgotronic in feeder and deliveryDriveTronic feeder Varidamp dampeningBaldwin cooling with Ipasonic PresetGrafix Weko powder sprayIonizationAutom. wash (ink rollers, blanket, impression cylinders) coating unitHarris & Bruno with a chamber doctor up deviceIR dryer Harris & Bruno coating unit with a chamber doctor blade IR dryer and hot-air dryerextended delivery 2600 elevatedNonStop
Located: Europe Western
Available: Immediately
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